Big Shot Mag.
Johnny D is talking about his new Track Nokey on ACKT Imprint and the making of!
You can check out his inspiring interview on Big Shot magazine: Bigshotmag interview Johnny D Have fun reading!
What inspired the track:
Johnny: “I made the track in a time where I was actually totally uninspired. I felt a bit blocked with my creativity not knowing why. I was unsatisfied with my studio situation and I was changing my set up all the time! I was even changing the position of my speakers every day and thought the problem would be on the technical side. Finally I fortunately met an old friend and musician that has been making music for a long time and who has had a similar problem some years ago. He explained to me that my problem might me and in my head. I didn’t take that in to consideration before. He told me to keep my mind free while making music. I noticed that I used to be a lot more relaxed but just forgot it and got a bit distracted over the years in music business.
“So while I was stuck in a loop again getting more and more frustrated looking for a right key on my piano, I remembered the wise words of my friend telling me to keep my mind free on expectations during the creative process of the track. I grabbed my mic and sang “Where is my key?” and some ridiculous things. But it was ok. I might not have found good lyrics but I found a way back to a looseness that helps me a lot in my workflow now. Not because I use a mic, but because I learnt not to value every process while working on a track. This is what I love about electronic music: everything is allowed – nothing is impossible.”